Protecting your privacy
Coachman Insurance Company is part of a group of companies who operate to provide you with insurance across Canada. This group of companies includes the following:
- SGI CANADA Insurance Services Ltd. ("SCISL"); and
- Saskatchewan Government Insurance, operating under the trade name of SGI CANADA.
Coachman Insurance Company and its member companies shall hereinafter be referred to as "SGI CANADA".
This Privacy Statement sets out the principles by which SGI CANADA and its member companies collect, protect, use and disclose the personal information of our customers and business partners. At SGI CANADA we strive to ensure that customer and business partner personal information is kept in a safe, secure and confidential manner.
SGI CANADA maintains the privacy of your personal information and/or personal health information in accordance with the law and this notice. In Ontario and Manitoba SGI CANADA complies with the requirements of the Personal information Protection and Electronic Documents Act. In Alberta and British Columbia, SGI CANADA complies with the requirements of The Personal Information Protection Act in each jurisdiction, and in Saskatchewan, SGI CANADA complies with the requirements of The Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act. Here are the key privacy principles that SGI CANADA follows:
- SGI CANADA informs individuals of the purpose for which personal information and/or personal health information is collected, and does not use personal information and/or personal health information for purposes other than for which it was collected.
- Unless required by law, the knowledge and consent of the individual is required by SGI CANADA for the collection, use and disclosure of their personal information and/or personal health information.
- SGI CANADA collects the least amount of personal information and/or personal health information required to meet its business needs.
- SGI CANADA does not disclose personal information and/or personal health information except with the consent of the individual or as required by law.
- Except as may be limited by law, SGI CANADA provides individuals with access to their personal information and/or personal health information. Where it is appropriate, SGI CANADA amends this information to ensure continued accuracy and provides individuals with a means of having their privacy concerns managed.
- SGI CANADA safeguards personal information and/or personal health information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure based on the sensitivity of that information.
We protect your personal information by:
- Limiting employee access to your personal information and/or personal health information. Only employees who need to know your information to do their job are allowed to access your personal information and/or personal health information.
- Maintaining physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to keep your personal information and/or personal health information safe and confidential.
- Requiring our employees to sign a Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement every year to protect and hold your personal information in confidence.
- Most access to SGI CANADA systems, internally or externally, leaves a footprint. Those transactions monitored leave a trail of the access code of the person using the system and the day, time and what customer information was accessed.
- Restricting access and disclosure to third parties. If we share your information with a third-party service provider, we give them the least amount of information needed to provide the service we require. We restrict their ability to use the information for any other purpose, and we require these individuals to hold your information confidence and keep it safe and secure.
- We will not process or store your personal information outside Canada without ensuring you are fully informed anytime your personal information or personal health information leaves Canada. View which products or services may result in your data leaving the country.
Collect - to gather, receive or record personal information and/or personal health information from any source, in any format and by any means.
Disclose - to make personal information and/or personal health information available outside of SGI CANADA.
Personal information - information about an identifiable individual. This does not include aggregate information that cannot be associated with a specific individual.
Personal health information - information with respect to the physical or mental health of an individual including any health services received.
Third Party - an individual or organization other than the customer, the customer’s agent or SGI CANADA.
Use - the treatment, handling or management of personal information and/or personal health information by SGI CANADA.
Information collected
SGI CANADA collects your personal information and/or personal health information to provide you with insurance services.
As a general statement, the personal information and personal health information we collect is obtained with your explicit consent. However, SGI CANADA may collect information about you without your explicit consent if you are not a named policy holder but have an interest in or derive a benefit under an insurance policy, plan or contract. In that case the individual obtaining insurance on your behalf has indicated to SGI CANADA that you consent to the collection of this information.
Depending on the service or product you require, SGI CANADA may collect and retain the following information:
- Contact information for all insured persons including name, address, home and work phone numbers, fax numbers, email address and cellphone number;
- Birth date, age, gender, marital status and family status;
- Your driver's licence information and the driver's licence information of every person who operates the vehicles you are insuring including driver's licence number, driving record including collisions, licence suspensions, convictions, traffic violations, the class of licence held, restriction on the driver's licence, and safe driver or business rating information;
- Vehicle information;
- Personal health information;
- Financial information including banking information, credit card information, payment history, and credit rating;
- Property information (i.e. property values, mortgage or leasing information, etc.);
- Prior claim history and any information needed to adjust those prior claims (i.e. witness statements, damage estimates, claim file investigations, etc.);
- Information about you or the property you are insuring from underwriting tracking systems and other insurance companies;
- Commercial driving records and logs required to be completed by law, inspection outcomes relating to Carrier Audits for the National Safety Code Certificates, driver and vehicle list, claim history, safety violations, etc.
- Any information needed to adjust an insurance claim (e.g. blood alcohol readings, collision reports from law enforcement, witness statements, damage estimates, claim file investigations, property valuations, etc.); and
- Information about your transactions with us and products and services you use.
Broker Information
SGI CANADA collects personal information from our broker partners with their consent, which enables us to regulate our business affairs with these partners.
IP addresses
If you visit our websites, we collect your IP addresses. If you communicate with us electronically, our sites collect aggregated site-visitation statistics using cookies (small text files containing a unique identification number that identifies your browser to our computer). See this our terms of use for more information on the use IP addresses.
Cookies tell us which pages were visited, by how many people, the average time spent on a page and other useful information relating to our web site to help us enhance our customer experience. See our terms of use for more information on the use of website cookies.Telephone calls and other communications
We may record telephone calls and other communications. We will inform you if the communication is being recorded. Calls and other communications may be recorded to ensure quality customer service, confirm our discussions and your instructions, resolve complaints, and train our staff. If you do not want your communications recorded, you can do business with us by visiting one of our offices in person, or by writing to us.
How SGI CANADA use your information
Personal information is shared between various departments within SGI CANADA, its member companies, and with our business partners (i.e. brokers, licence issuers, lawyers, process servers, medical or financial consultants, and other technical experts) for business purposes.
Below are the business reasons for sharing your personal information within SGI CANADA:
- To verify your identity;
- To confirm your application information and understand and assess your insurance needs;
- To underwrite insurance risks on a prudent basis;
- To provide you the insurance coverage and benefits you are entitled to;
- To respond to inquiries, questions and concerns and to communicate with our customers;
- To detect, investigate and prevent fraud;
- To conduct litigation that arises out of our business including collecting a debt or enforcing an obligation owed to us by you;
- To conduct business audits;
- To meet legal and regulatory requirements;
- To conduct surveys and internal business analysis, gather broad demographic information, compile statistics and develop products and services;
- To respond to your requests for access to information, privacy concerns or requests for corrections to your personal information;
- To comply with the law;
- To notify you of other products and services to meet your needs;
- To conduct public education and loss prevention campaigns regarding insurance concerns; and
- To improve business processes and business systems through secured data testing.
Disclosing your information
When you submit an application for insurance through your broker or apply for insurance online, you are applying for insurance with all member companies with SGI CANADA. The consent you provide allows your broker to disclose your information to us, and provides SGI CANADA with permission to disclose your information to:
- Your broker or agent;
- All member companies of SGI CANADA;
- Insurance tracking or reporting agencies used by SGI CANADA;
- Service providers who deliver a service or program on our behalf (i.e. independent adjusters, lawyers, accountants, medical experts ,etc); and
- To obtain a credit score for rating purposes.
When you make changes to your policy or when your policy automatically renews, you are agreeing that any consent you have previously provided to us relative to your policy remains in effect unless the consent is otherwise explicitly withdrawn.
In Ontario, SGI CANADA is required to comply with the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act.This Act not only sets out our obligations to protect your personal information, but indicates when that information may be disclosed without your consent. Examples of where SGI CANADA may disclose your personal information without your consent include:
- Responding to a subpoena, warrant, court order or other comparable legal process;
- For the purposes of collecting a debt owing to SGI CANADA;
- Providing information to law enforcement for enforcing laws or carrying out a lawful investigation; and
- Providing information to a government agency authorized to access this information through statute or regulation.
Please note SGI CANADA often releases de-identified personal information to other businesses to facilitate our business needs (i.e. to reinsurance companies).
Retention and destruction of information
Information will be retained and destroyed in a secure and confidential manner in accordance with SGI CANADA's data retention schedule.
Your rights
Withdrawing your consent
Subject to certain legal and contractual restrictions and reasonable notice, at any time during or prior to receiving a service from us, you may refuse to provide information to SGI CANADA or withdraw your consent for SGI CANADA to collect, use or disclose your personal information and/or personal health information. You may also opt out of certain communications we may send you regarding other products and services. SGI CANADA will seek to continue to provide you services, but any withdrawal of consent may affect our ability to respond to your insurance needs.
Accessing your information
Subject to exclusions in the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, you have a right to obtain a copy of the personal information and/or personal health information SGI CANADA collects about you. You may also request amendments to any information on your file that you feel is incorrect. To ensure we have accurate information, please notify us when there are changes to your personal information.
Contact information
If you want to:
- Access your personal information and/or personal health information or make a request to have your information corrected;
- Change your consent with respect to how we collect, use or disclose your personal information; Note: SGI CANADA cannot refuse to disclose your information if we are required by law to provide this information to another third party.
- File a complaint about our privacy policies or the manner in which we’ve handled your personal information; or
- Inquire about any other privacy questions or concerns.
Please contact:
Chief Privacy Officer
2260 - 11th Ave.
Regina, SK S4P 0J9
If you believe your privacy rights have been violated
First, contact SGI CANADA’s Privacy Department. An officer will review your concerns and try to resolve them. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of an inquiry or complaint, you may address your concerns to:
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
30 Victoria Street
Gatineau, Quebec
1-800-282-1376 (toll free)